CDM Internet Church

Free Tract

(at the end of the article)

One of the things I used to do was pass out gospel tracts. I would leave the tracts in various places and sometimes discover the results of someone finding them and reading them. I like to examine the tracts that are available for purchase at the local 'Bible Book Store'... (for lack of a better term)! I don't always like what I find. Some are too busy, some too 'wordy', and some just too 'preachy'.

If you can find just the right one, they are a good way for you to share the Word of God with someone. I thought this would be good idea for the website. It's been incubating in my spirit for a long time. I've even thought of having a tract writing contest. Contestants would send me their tracts and I would publish the winner on this site. By your submittal you would be giving me the rights to your tract to make it available to others to download and print out just like the one below.

Sometimes it's hard to witness to that friend or co-worker but you could send them a tract or give it to them in person. I've left them in waiting rooms, restaurants, bathrooms, and parks. They are great to pin up on local bulletin boards. Almost every store and restaurant has one.

The tract that follows is called: God's Plan. It's a gift to you as a visitor to this website. Just click on the link below (God's Plan) and the PDF file will download to your computer. It should automatically open your Adobe reader and appear. Just reduce the size to 100% (I don't know why Adobe Reader opens files in such large views... sometimes 200 or 300 percent, or anywhere in between). Once you view it at 100% just click on the print icon and out it will come. Fold the page in half from the top to the bottom with the print showing. Then fold it in half again side to side with 'God's PLAN...' as the front and 'voila' you have a tract ready to give away. This is something we can all do! It's important to be a 'soul winner'! The bible says: He that wins souls is wise! (Please don't get turned off every time you see the word "he" in your bible. It also means "she"!)

Did you know that there is a special crown given to saints in Heaven for having been soul winners? Did you realize that the only thing you can take to Heaven is someone that you have had a part in their salvation?

Don't put this off. It will be of GREAT BENEFIT to you. The bible tells us to "lay up our treasure in Heaven". This is one way to do that; by being instrumental in introducing someone to Jesus!

God's Plan

Pastor Herb

Send email to Pastor Herb